Why is your wig shedding and how to prevent it?

    Hi there, this is UWigs. I know that hair shed is one of your biggest concerns when purchasing human hair wigs. But now that the technology for making wigs has improved, usually, it's double weft, it's not easy to shed with proper maintenance. So do you know why your wig is shedding and how to prevent it? No one likes the shedding. Keep on reading. We will show you the answer in this blog.

 Why is your wig shedding and how to prevent it|Meetu Hair

Why is your wig shedding?

    There are several reasons why your wig is shedding.

    NO.1: combing the wig when it's wet.

    NO.2: combing the lace wig roughly. To smooth it out, you can pull it, you can snag it, which will cause your wig to shed.

    NO.3: coming to the wig from the roots to the end instead of from the ends to the roots. Make sure that you are combing your wig and brushing your wig correctly. So instead of coming from the roots to the end. It would be better to start and come up to the roots.

    NO.4: applying heavy, oily, greasy products to your wig. What this does is it creates residue, right? So the residue will coat the hair, which will cause the hair strands to tangle, which in terms cause shape.

    NO.5: excessive heat. Excessive heat also applies directly to the lace, which can cause holes, rips or tears. So you want to make sure that you avoid all of those things.

    NO.6: the longevity of the wig. Typically if you've had the wig between six months to a year, that's pretty much all it's going to do for you. So you want to make sure that the life expectancy for your wig, at this time, you need to purchase a new wig. The best advice I can give you is to buy two wigs. I sometimes know money doesn't permit, but if you have two wigs, you can keep rotating the wigs, then your wig will get some rest, then it can last longer. 

How to prevent hair shedding on a human hair wig?

    So there are different things that you can do to prevent your wig from shedding. So if you're sleeping in your wig, because your wig is that here to your head, make sure that you're sleeping in your wig correctly, which means using a satin bonnet or headscarf.

    Another thing that you can do to prevent shedding is you can use a fray check. So you can take a makeup square, apply a little bit of this fray onto the makeup square, and dab it on the lace. You can also put it on the ends of the weft if your wig is wefted. You want to make sure that you apply this to dry clean hair to prevent tangling and shedding.

    Brush your human hair wig every single day, every day you put it on, your brush it. It would be best if you brushed it as we say, start at the end and work your way up to the root. Make sure that you get all the hair at the nape of the neck because that is a trouble area.

    Wash your hair at least once every two weeks, and in between, you can use dry shampoo to wash your hair. What dry shampoo does is it has a powdery base, so it absorbs anything that is not essentials, absorbs any extra oils or dirt, absorb any gunky mix nastiness in your hair, and neutralize the odour as well. It will make your hair look like it's freshly washed and smell good. However, you still need to wash it because it doesn't observe debris. So you can dry shampoo one week, the next week you're going to wash it. 

    Hope this guide is helpful. If you are looking for a cheap human hair wig, visit www.uwigs.com to purchase affordable human hair wigs.

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